Well we're back from Wales.....wet Wales with loads of problems on the roads....took us 8 hours to get back, instead of 6....Still, we've had a coffee and a sit down, and will soon be to bed...have a batch of washing to do and the mini sheep need cleaning out, if it stays dry tomorrow....
I have had an extremely busy fortnight on the eBay front, and the fairies remained popular, with a couple more sets going tonight...I really must re-take these photo's, they aren't very good, and don't show the sparkles at all well....
also the animals have been requested, with the giraffes and monkeys being enjoyed....
I have been looking at lots of different breeds of farm animals (as we stay at a farm) and also some sea creatures, as we visited Anglesey's Sea Zoo twice last week, well worth the money, and the staff were well trained, informed and friendly....as a result I've been looking at widening those groups of die cuts, as well as some more Chrstmas themes...I've got a number of dies I've not even used myself yet, so once the boy's are back at school I can have more time to play... :)
For now, I need to clear up a little and then to bed....it's tiring being driven home...x x