Sunday, 31 August 2008

Wings and Wishes....

Well we're back from Wales.....wet Wales with loads of problems on the roads....took us 8 hours to get back, instead of 6....Still, we've had a coffee and a sit down, and will soon be to bed...have a batch of washing to do and the mini sheep need cleaning out, if it stays dry tomorrow....
I have had an extremely busy fortnight on the eBay front, and the fairies remained popular, with a couple more sets going tonight...I really must re-take these photo's, they aren't very good, and don't show the sparkles at all well....
also the animals have been requested, with the giraffes and monkeys being enjoyed....
I have been looking at lots of different breeds of farm animals (as we stay at a farm) and also some sea creatures, as we visited Anglesey's Sea Zoo twice last week, well worth the money, and the staff were well trained, informed and a result I've been looking at widening those groups of die cuts, as well as some more Chrstmas themes...I've got a number of dies I've not even used myself yet, so once the boy's are back at school I can have more time to play... :)
For now, I need to clear up a little and then to's tiring being driven home...x x

1 comment:

Jac’s Playground said...

Glad you got home safely in the end Joy - dont you just hate it when you get held up like that and all you watn to do is get home! Those fairies are looking stunning may just have to pop on over to ebay and order myself some ready for my christmas cards this year. Looking forward to the boys going back to school? Ria starts up the comprehensive on Wed and I think she is starting to get a wee bit nervous now! Catch you soon, take care. xx