Monday, 2 June 2008


These are proving quite popular at the moment...of course Father's Day is coming up soon....I've also done some more fishing rods and car bits....

I've been busy this weekend...getting some of the garden sorted, and moving some tomato and bean plants from the allotment...the snails at home appriciated them ;)...
The weather has been good in this part of the world, so got lots of washing done, and the guinea pigs and rabbits got out of their hutches some chard from the allotment...they love that...
Had a good weekend as far as the 'dieting' goes...ok we had Chinese tonight, but didn't get as much as I used to, so that's the Doc on Tuesday...
Gareth has discovered the joy's of the point he's actually baking it on his own too...having spent a further £20 on the stuff over the half term...anyone know where I can get it a bit cheaper???....One thing it does do is keep him quiet for a couple of hours... is open for the Summer Term tomorrow...8 weeks before the holidays....x x

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